
Our database contains 28,010 approved salary profiles.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position und Kategorie Region Company size Age group Gross monthly salary
gender_icon Insurance Technician Insurance Osrednjeslovenska Big 55+ 2,603.00 EUR
gender_icon Payroll Clerk Economy, Finance, Accountancy Podravska Middle company 25-34 1,616.00 EUR
gender_icon Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Engineering Gorenjska Not available (n/a) 2,600.00 EUR
gender_icon Client officer Banking Osrednjeslovenska Not available (n/a) 45-54 1,933.00 EUR
gender_icon Police Officer Security & Protection Savinjska Not available (n/a) 25-34 1,800.00 EUR
gender_icon Digital marketing specialist Marketing, Advertising, PR Podravska Middle company 25-34 2,098.00 EUR
gender_icon Machine Operator, Machinist Construction & Real Estate Osrednjeslovenska Small company 35-44 1,800.00 EUR
gender_icon Sales Officer Commerce Osrednjeslovenska Not available (n/a) 2,042.00 EUR
gender_icon Soldier Security & Protection Osrednjeslovenska Big 35-44 2,300.00 EUR
gender_icon IT Security Specialist Information Technology Osrednjeslovenska Not available (n/a) 35-44 4,250.00 EUR